September 12, 2019

The DIY Source: Part 1: How To DIY a Llama Notebook! A

Hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that I am very sorry that I have not posted in a while. Second of all, as you have noticed, I am starting a new series called The DIY Source! So lets get started with today's post! Today I will be showing you how to DIY a llama notebook! Lets get started! Supplies: Plain notebook, Light Purple Paper, Print Out Of Decorated Llama, Glue, Mod Podge, Paint Brush, and Scissors. 1. Glue the light purple paper on to the plain notebook. 2. Cut out the llama print out and glue it to the notebook on top of the light purple paper. 3. Put Mod Podge on top of the whole notebook with a paint brush. That is all you have to do to make a cute, adorable llama notebook! Bye!

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